Resource and
Information Links:
Fun Things for Kids of All Ages! |
Free Resources for Kids of All Ages:
Here’s a list of websites offering suggestions and resources for activities to do with your kids. Presently this list isn’t set up with specific ages or types of activities in mind. My intention is simply to offer a quick resource section. This Guideline offers suggestions for a combination of ages, as well as, some interactive activities, while others may be designed as work alone or work alongside someone else. Hope this FREE resource list assists you and your family to find new things to do together. May you be safe and healthy and happy.
Here are the links -- Click Here to let me know what you think, more postings to come later!
This website has some fantastic free and informative links within this website, like virtual zoo, virtual museum, and much more:
100 suggestions for kids from 2-10:
Suggested activities for kids of all ages with downloadable printable activity sheets:
Obviously with the quarantine on a number of these activities are not doable at this time, however, there are plenty of ideas to stimulate your own ideas and you can draw from later as well:
Here’s a list that was made for Coronavirus quarantine in mind and there are lots of interactive videos If you have kids this is definitely worth exploring … you won’t be disappointed:
This list of creative ways to engage in learning activities with your kids is worth looking at:
This list shows printable worksheets for home schooled kids worth checking out just to help kids up with their schoolwork:
Hope This Helps!
Sally T Carr, LMT, CHt
CBT Healing Arts
660 George Washington Way, Suite N
Richland, WA 99352
(509) 554-2256